Early childhood (3-5 years) experienced unprecedented growth. Easily mimicked everything seen and heard. At the time of sensory growth is so fast that children that are more active learn to speak and act with movements that sometimes make us as parents laugh with their behavior and movements.
Our first son was 5 years, and already we include in the playground to get friends to play much more varied and not simply playing with friends on the neighboring environment. Include children in early education, despite only getting guide learn through play, play and sing with the aim of improving the courage son live in the mix and socialize.
Among children of different ability levels of the children with the other, but with the diversity of the character of children, they will be more familiar with a variety of characters from the beginning. With playing children will be happy and get a different playing atmosphere between home and school, even among my friends at school play a playmate at home. However, the complexity of the environmental community those different children will give different colors in a child's sensory development.
As people living in rural areas, play within the rice is a custom of rural children. It also happens to our first child. We intentionally let them play freely with the observation to avoid dangerous game they play friends or fellow.
We really feel the benefits of the playground to provide variation playmates for our children. What about your children? Certainly have a different experience from our experience.
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